Table of Contents

Dreams, A Portal to the Source

Whitmont, E. C. and Perera, S. B. (1989) Dreams, A Portal to the Source. Routledge. London and New York.

Chapter one - Introduction to Clinical Dream Interpretation

p2 “It gives us images of energy, synthesizing past and present, personal and collective experiences.”

p2-3 “The dream can, thus, also be used for healing. As it holds up to consciousness metaphors and symbols of the unceasing energy flow, sustaining and shaping personal life, it shows the underlying patterns with which, for the sake of our health, we need to be in more conscious relationship. Equally, it shows also images of those mis-constellated patterns into which our personal lives are inevitably bent. The flowing interplay between these healing and 'dis-eased' patterns can provide inestimable guidance for the process of psychotherapy.”

Chapter two - Working with the Dream in Clinical Practice

p7 Allegoric and / or Symbolic content. xRef p27.
“… the clinician finds that the dream, with uncanny accuracy, depicts the psychological situation confronting the dreamer, exactly as it is. …
Diagnostically. the dream's images and structure give evidence of ego strength. and may reveal qualities of relationship between various forms of consciousness and the psychological and somatic unconscious.
Prognostically, the dream calls attention to what confronts consciousness, as well as to likely clinical developments, and often, to how the present awareness and.capacities of the dreamer and/or analyst tend to relate to those confrontations. Timing of interventions is made possible because each dream is art of a guiding process in an ongoing dialectic between conscious and unconscious positions. Hence the therapist gets signals from the dream metaphors and symbols regarding which issues are to be addressed, and how and when they are to be addressed.”

Chapter three - The Situation as it is

p17 “Jung called the dream 'a highly objective, natural product of the psyche.. . [a] self representation of the psychic life-process.'
… Thus, every dream can be regarded as a message from a superior, if archaic intelligence.”

p27 “We consider the image forms allegoric if their message can be translated into rational concepts and verbalizations.
We consider them symbolic if they point to 'something suprahuman and only partly conceivable.'” xRef p7.

p28 “When such metaphorical images point to can be rationally understood and expressed, we consider them allegorical. When their context or meaning is beyond the possibility of rational understanding we speak of symbols.”