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Edinger, E. F. (1995) The Mysterium Lectures. A Journey through C. G. Jung's Mysterium Coniunctionis. Inner City Books. Transcribed and Edited by Joan Dexter Blackmer.

3. The Death in Coniunctio

In reference to Mysterium Coniunctionis, Collected Works Vol. 14 where Jung talks of plate L from Secretioris Naturae Secretorum Scrutinium Chymicum or Atalanta Fugiens :

p38 In Anatomy of the Psyche I speak of this as an image of the lesser coniuntcio.17 It's a picture of what happens when the immature aspect of the ego embraces the unconscious: it undergoes death or dissolution. For the immature ego it is very dangerous to have any dealings with the unconscious. (What we're talking about here is the psychological basis of the incest taboo.) The “dismemberment” that the alchemical texts speak of could correspond to a psychosis or some other fatal psychic event.
This is illustrated frequently in the phenomenology of erotic love. …“

p38 “From the subjective standpoint, incest refers to the ego's having intimate connections with its own origin - it's psychological mother - the unconscious. Incest is such a violently forbidden issue because in the psychological evolutionary process it took immense efforts for the human ego to separate itself from the unconscious - its mother - in order to stand as a more or less conscious entity, responsible and separate.”

6. Wounding

p43 “Thus, the sun - or spirit principle - is wounded by an encounter with the matter principle (the moon). This is all associated with egohood: whatever incarnates as an earthbound, specific ego is inevitably subject to wounding.”

7. Kenosis


Cf. Eastern Goddess Kwannon

p46 “The reason I'm making so much of this symbolism (Kenosis) is that it refers to the original state of identity between the ego and the Self. This identity has to be “emptied out” if the ego is to have a separate place of its own.
You see, we all start out in a state of identification with God, with assumptions of omnipotence and of oneness with the universe. We all start as the center of the universe. A very lengthy, laborious process of emptying that original state of identification is required if one it to develop a conscious, responsible ego that knows its own limitations.”

3. The Inscription and its Interpretations

pp71 Edinger proposes 7 types of interpretation for the riddle, the “Enigma of Bologna” discussed by Jung in Mysterium Coniunctionis, Collected Works Vol. 14:
i. Alchemical
ii. Personalistic
iii. reductive
iv. Philosophical
v. Erotic
vi. Ecclesiastical
vii. Psychological

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