Number and Time

von Franz, Marie-Louise (1974) Number and Time - Reflections leading towards a unification of psychology and physics. © 1974 Northwestern University Press. Translated by Andrea Dykes. Rider & Company London.

p17 “The French physicist Olivier Costa de Beauregard suggests an interesting enlargement of the Mindowski-Einsteinian “universe” by postulating that a coexistent cosmic infra-psychisme should be coordinated with the four-dimensional continuum of the relativists.”

p33 “The whole province of music and its relation to number seems to me to represent a feeling grasp of the same elements which I shall attempt to formulate consciously. Leibniz once made the significant remark that music was …”

I like this:
p19 Footnote 12.… The formation of thought models precedes theoretical formulation, and that which really connects sense perceptions with the concepts cannot be demonstrated by logic. …

p36 “In my view the Swiss philosopher and mathematician Ferdinand Gonseth formulated the problem convincingly by stating that mathematics exists in a field of knowledge which lies

between two complementary poles: one the world of reality called exterior, the other, interior. These two worlds are transcendental i.e., beyond consciousness. They cannot be perceived “in themselves,” but only by the traces which they leave in the field of our consciousness.4

According to Jung, number appears to display and exact relation to both spheres.”

p52 “To sum up: numbers appear to represent both an attribute of matter and the unconscious foundation of our mental processes. For this reason, number forms, according to Jung, that particular element that unites the realms of matter and psyche.”

p53 “… but more significantly the psychic dynamics of the concept of number as an archetypal actuality appearing in its “transgressive” aspect in the realm of matter.57

p54 Number and unus mundus “In the last analysis, the mystery of the unus mundus resides in the nature of number.”

An excellent - brief - explanation of what is synchronicity:
749 Footnote 15.Strictly speaking, the experience of synchronistic events is not based on the coincidence of inner and outer events but, as Jung says, “on the simultaneous occurrence of two different psychic stats.” (More precisely, it is by no means the case that we comprehend an event of the outer world “in itself,” since it is also, in the final analysis, perceived via the filter of our psyche.” The two conditions are 1) the normal, probable (i.e., causally explainable), (so what we see) and 2) another which is not causally deducible from the first state, namely, the critical occurrence which, as it were, “breaks into” the first state. In the latter case “an unexpected content which is directly or indirectly connected with some external objective objective event coincides with the ordinary psychic state” (“Synchronicity,” The Structure and Dynamics of the Psychi, CW, Vol. VIII, §855).

p304 “Since the concept of the unus mundus transcends consciousness, it is represented in mankind's historical Weltanschauungen by symbols, which most frequently consist of double mandala portraying both the timeless and time-bound order of existence. While the timeless order seems to relate to the general concept of acausal orderedness in the physical and psychic realms, the time-bound order refers more to peripheral phenomena, such as synchronistic happenings, that are creative acts in time.
The timeless acausal orderedness lies at the base of all transmittable information and cognition processes operating in man, and the time-bound synchronistic phenomena underlie those individually experienced messages of the unconscious which can only be adequately interpreted by the individual. The two systems are incommensurable, and because of this they form a fitting symbol for the ultimate unity of existence as a coincidentia oppositorum. In their mirrored images, as one reality reflects off the other, lies the mystery of their experienceability (sic) by the individual.”

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  • Last modified: 2017/02/14 04:18
  • by janus